Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Of Lions and Tiggers and Bears (oh my!)

So, in the interest of journalistic integrity (and Mouse's sanity,) this post is brought to you by Badger.  Hopefully she can figure out how to use Mouse's phone without wanting to break it.  Anyway, to bring you up to speed, lets review Thursday.

We began the day having actually got some sleep, and so were ready for the day.  After a quick breakfast we headed out.  Our first stop was the famous Big Ben.  Tigger insisted that bouncing up to the top of Big Ben is what Tiggers do best.  Badger pointed out that there was no narrator to get him down if he got stuck.  Tigger claimed to not know what we were talking about, but did lose interest in  bouncing all the way to the top.  While we were on the area we also peeked in on Westminster Abbey.

We then made our way to the national museum of science.  As badger's interest lies primarily in human biology, that is where we spent most of our time.  We did of course make a trek through the dinosaur room, and Mouse got lots of enjoyment out of the panorama function on her camera.
Tigger finds a cave

After this we went to the Victoria and Albert museum.  This museum holds artifacts from everyday life from all over the world.  Badger was particularly wanting to see the clothes from history, so that is where we began.  We then walked through a good portion of the Middle Ages and renassaince of Europe, enjoying all of the religious artifacts. 

By the time we were done with all of this, it was nearing 4:00, and we realized we had skipped lunch.    So, we decided to search for afternoon tea.  After some searching, we settled on tea and scones at the British Museum.  Badger was pleasantly surprised to find it come in pots with cups, while Mouse was just happy for her tea in any form.

Feeling much better after tea, we returned to the hostel to get ready for wicked.  The show was amazing, and we both enjoyed it.  I think tiger did as well, despite the lack of pooh bears.  Anyway, we apologize for the lack of pictures, but want to get this out so as to keep everyone informed.

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