Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In Which Tigger explores the globe, then explores the suitcase

Badger is once again taking over the blog to finish up our experience in London.  Saturday morning we took the opportunity of sleeping in, which was very much needed.  After we both finally woke up we took it easy and stayed around the hostel, and checked up on a few travel details.  By the time we were ready to head out it was well into the afternoon, and we decided we didn't have enough time to hit the tower of London, so that trip was postponed until Sunday.  Instead, we walked over to Westminster Abbey again to see the cathedral.  Alas, it was closed by that time.  Tigger still had fun bouncing about though.

We then decided we may as well head over to the Globe early, as we wanted to catch an evening showing of The Tempast.  Crossing over the Thames, we found the Globe theater and bought our tickets.

Tigger found a picture that looked very much like his good friend Eeyore, but it wasn't.  He had fun anyway.

The show didn't start for another 2 hours, so we got a quick meal at the restaurant near the theater, the Swan Bar.  We felt very authentic with our soup and bread.  Not only that, but the soup was very welcome after the rain we had encountered.  Tea, of course, is always welcome to Mouse, and she has very much been enjoying the plentiful supply of quality tea.

It was soon time for the show.  We were in the cheap standing seats, but that meant we could get right up against the stage.  We couldn't take pictures of the actual show, but we did get some good ones of the theater before the show, with Tigger's help of course. 

Sunday morning was a bit hectic despite getting up early.  We did some laundry and packed up our bags.  However, due to Badger's attempts to get some blogging done, the packing got done in a hurry and Tigger ended up in her suitcase.  So, unfortunately he missed the Tower of London.  He did at least stay dry though.

Mouse and Badger spent a lot of time enjoying their selves in the tower of London.  There were lots of history lessons, gruesome stories, sharp pointy things, and even a bit of rain to drive us into the cafe for tea.  We did not, however, choose to see the crown jewels, as the line was very long and got longer as the day progressed.  When the rain began we both felt we had made the right decision.

After the tower we headed over to the church Mouse attended while studying in England.  It was a wonderful service.  Badger quite enjoyed seeing other believers worshiping at about the same time we would have been doing at home.  It is truly wonderful to see that our God is the God of the whole world, and not just my small church.

Once we got on to the train to Edinburgh, we were able to let Tigger out of the bag, and he was much happier after amusing himself on the train.

But eventually, even he got tired

We arrived in Edinburgh quite late (after midnight), made it to the hostel, and crashed into our very nice beds without waking anyone up (quite the feat given that there was no light), and went to bed, excited for our tour of the Scottish highlands the next day.  So, as Tigger would say, TTFN, ta ta for now.

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