Sunday, June 9, 2013

Being an Introduction to the Blog

Two days. Only two days until we leave for Europe! We, Badger and Mouse, are eagerly awaiting our travels. We are also eagerly awaiting our Tigger. We had intended to journey with a Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, but alas, the killer rabbits were apparently otherwise occupied slaying knights and gnawing on valleys of bones. Bereft of Killer Rabbits, we are currently interviewing Tiggers for the post of tour guide and guardian during our month in Europe. I will post a picture as soon as we have filled the position. Whichever we choose, he is sure to be fun fun fun fun fun and an excellent travel companion.

As for who we are, if you're reading this blog, you are most likely among the friends and acquaintances we have invited here. If not, you may require a brief introduction.

Badger, roommate and good friend of the main blogger, is a lab tech on the night shift by trade and going abroad for the first time ever. She was quite disappointed at the scarcity of Killer Rabbits, and has thus chosen her name in honor of the large wooden badger. (This blog will continue to shamelessly and frequently reference Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as we both love it. Tiggers being known for their often-enthusiastic tolerance for ill-tempered rabbits, I'm sure he'll love it too. Therefore, if you are reading, you are required to go and watch the film in order to understand all our references. Besides, you never know when knowing the difference between an African and a European swallow may be vital to your well-being.)

Mouse, the main blogger, is a high school English teacher by trade. (Note the fact that you, dear reader, have already been assigned homework.) This is her third trip to Europe, but as she was fairly young the first time and fairly constrained to Britain the second time, there will be a lot that is totally new to her here. Her name was chosen well back in middle school as a general alias for shady dealings such as posting travel itineraries on the Internet.

It will be quite obvious when we go abroad. When we leave, the posts will drastically decrease in frequency and length (given the better things to do, and Mouse's infamous ADHD nature, and Mouse's impatience with blogging on her phone). However, in hopes that we will have time and energy to share, we are leaving this space to post about the Adventures of a Tigger and His Companions. We hope you enjoy.

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